Proteus package library

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Type the pin numbers for the particular pin name A-7, B-6,... Hello friends, I hope you all are fine and having fun with your lives. Thanks a lot to him! The manufacturer specific libraries may have more accurate manufacturer designed SPICE models, whereas the parts in this library are modeled using generic macro model files. The packaging and timing data was obtained from the relevant AMD data-book. Замечу только, что пока Вы не начали активно создавать собственные компоненты, пользовательская библиотека USERSYMпуста, и выбрать стандарные символы вы можете только из библиотеки SYSTEM.

I am here after long long long time. Therefore I thought post a valuable thing which I have done with proteus. That is making a new device for proteus. One day I had needed to design a PCB which including seven segment displays. But I couldn't find any Proteus PCB package which is match with 15. Therefore I encouraged to create a PCB package for a seven segment display. So following steps will describe to create a new PCB package which totally match with your particular hardware device. Steps to create PCB package for seven segment display Step 1- Import a seven segment display to Proteus device list from existing devices to modify it. Choose a one of the device then press ok. Step 2- Then draw the imported seven segment to the sheet. Now we can modify the device in order to meet our actual hardware device's requirements pin numbers, common pins,etc... Then right click on it and select Decompose to modify it Step 3- This seven segment display has only 8 pins but in actual 7 segment display has 10 pins which are 7 input pins, 2 common cathode pins, and dot input pin DP. Therefore first we need to modify this device to make additional 2 pins. So you can just add another 2 pins from the tool bar to the device. The tool to add pins and the modified 7 segment display are, Now you have carried out the requirement for number of pins of the device. Step 4- But still we do not assign the actual pin numbers for the device. This will need to define PCB package for this device. Now double click on a pin to define the pin number. It will display a widow which asking the pin name and number. Type the pin numbers for the particular pin name A-7, B-6,... Do not care about other options in the window. Now configurations for this device is completed at here. Step 5- Now start Proteus ARES to make our PCB package for this device. Here we do not have a package as just like in previous situation to modify it. So we have to make our own package from the beginning. Therefore you will need the distances between pins and other dimensions to draw the PCB package of your device. So you can download the data sheet of your 7 segment display to obtain the dimensions. My 7 segment is 15. Draw the pin holes using Square or Circle pad mode. Also you can use Dimension mode to measure the distance from one place to another. Carefully draw the diagram with correct measurements. Then assign pin numbers by double clicking on a pin. This number 8 , square and dot are 2D graphics only but it will make beautiful when you view this as a 3D view. Step 6- Then select all drawn component and Right click and select Make package. Then fill the text boxes with particular data. You can use any name for your package name and other things These are only depend on categorizing your component in the Proteus library. Then press Ok to make the package. Now we have our own PCB package for 7-segment display. So now we can make our 7-segment device which is modified earlier in Proteus isis. Step 7- Then go back to our ISIS design window and make a device by selecting all drawn components, right click and select 'Make device' from popup menu. Now you can see following window. Before that it will show you a warning message Just click ok to ignore that. Type any unique name on the Device name field and Type a letter on 'Reference Prefix'. This is the letter you can see when draw a new device of your device such as D1, D2, D3.... Now click on 'Assign package s ' button to add this package to this device. Now you can see the PCB footprint on the black area which show a message ARES PCB libraries are not installed or the... Then click next, next... Step 8- Choose this device from pick device window and place it on the sheet and you can create a PCB also using this device. This is the solution for our problem here. This is a PCB which I created using above method ISIS schematic design and PCB design.

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